How To Use Mobile App Penetration Testing In 5 Easy Steps?


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

How To Use Mobile App Penetration Testing In 5 Easy Steps?

Oh, the era of endless mobility. There’s an app for everything nowadays. There’s even a tooth-fairy calculator application for iOS that evaluates the appropriate price for a child’s tooth under a pillow according to a plethora of factors. Wow. Just Wow.

But how safe are we as users? Surely you, as proud readers of the EHACKING blog are aware of the situation – it’s not as peach perfect as one might imagine. Reality is a fair from fairies as things get. Credentials can get stolen from a locked iPhone throughout series of seemingly harmless manipulations. Apps can be broken through something as innocent as a connection to public Wi-Fi. Do I even need to go on?

Luckily there are still teams of professional testers in DeviQA, a professional software QA testing company, to save the day with white hats on.

5 steps of mobile White Hat hacking

White Hat hacking or, in other words, penetration testing of mobile applications is usually done with respect to the below mentioned five basic pillars of test sets. Here’s how you do it like a pro.

1.       Identify the policy. This way a strategy can be narrated into clear and precise action points. All in all security policies are used to identify which users are authorized to do what and updating them on a constant basis is rather pivotal.
2.       Pay attention to the platform. iOS, for once has recently proven to have more bugs in apps than Android mainly because poor third-party software integration. Thus if your app is designed for iPhones or iPads, double check all the external APIs. Do they leave you vulnerable?
3.       Speaking of third-party software – does it leave your soft belly open to a virus or any other malware? Perhaps it can overload the system with countless requests or massive loads? Stress and load tests can help in dealing with this issue just fine.
4.       Combine UPD and TPC to ensure if they are of any good. These are mobile device ports used to interact with wireless networks like Wi-Fi or 3-G. Are they leaving your application vulnerable to incoming threats? What can be done via reverse-engineering the connection to your app?

5.       Are your pp endpoints tucked safely behind a firm shield? Perhaps earlier releases never had the same level of protection and dedication to quality. Perhaps they can be used for an attack on your server?


In the world we live in today safe and stable operations of the mobile infrastructure are essential to both credibility of businesses, client trust and overall public security. You don’t want to engage in a real life game of Watch Dogs, do you?    

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